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    6 ft. 2 in.
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  • Job:
  • Has Kids:


On these dating sites we endlessly search for the non existent ideal person, rejecting or blocking everyone not perfect, passing them by for someone possibly better. Until by accident, chance or grace we find that imperfect person who will make us perfectly happy. We all want to find someone to care about. Someone who is open, vulnerable, kind and trustworthy. Who shares our physical, emotional and spiritual passion. The answer is to value all people, to reach out in trust and love, to find others who who were smart and not afraid to show it, tired of chasing fun alone and traveling to boring places, who have progressive beliefs with traditional values, enjoy the old and new, value relationships, believe in romance and the magic of holding hands. To become friends and one in love as individuals, bonded and equal.

I enjoy the outdoors; hiking, camping, the arts, picnics; reading; listening to others; cooking, music; the ocean; making things right; laughter; friendship; animals, computers and other things that interest us. I like to travel to uncommon places and road trips. I can take care of myself but need a someone to care about, stand by by my side and share my life. A woman who wants to find love and a true friend with no games whatsoever.

One day we will meet and turn our lives upside down. Our hobbies, goals and interests won't matter and we will discover each others characters, integrity and common values. That's what makes getting to know a person special. Similar interests are important, but everything in common leaves out the growth, learning and change that comes from our differences. We cannot live without the interests of the other. Each needs to have a mind of their own. Someone who is free and willing to make her choices (as long as one of them is me). Someone who isn't afraid to stand up for themselves, as an equal in some things and greater in others. With shared and equal responsibilities, decisions.

Loving another requires passion, great control, and abandonment. It demands faith, bravery, a generosity of Spirit, and an open heart. I am not perfect and I don't expect you to be. Are you ready to dive into the deep end of love or even start with the deep end of friendship? Companionship is rare, friendship is more so and love the rarest of all. But maybe that is too much all at once. Anyway, this is a 'hello' from me to you. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you will write back. We have possibilities.

What I am looking for

What I am looking for you man be looking for too.