

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 6 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    High School
  • Job:
    Computers Hardware
  • Has Kids:


things about me in no particular order. 1. Give more than I receive in a relationship. 2. Love without strings(no jealousy) attached. 3. Before I blame, examine myself first. 4. Share my vulnerabilities and fears with my mate. 5. Be faithful to my woman, both emotionally and physically. 6. No hiding. Trust is fragile. I need to handle with care. 7. Apology. And mean it. 8. Forgive and forget. 9. Work as a team. Put "us " instead of "me" first. The woman is my life mate, not a roommate. 10. For better or worse, choose to love.

What I am looking for

I am seeking a true friend, someone I can confide in and wouldn’t mock me.I have been through the worst and I am expecting best, cos as the saying goes, there's nothing special about sweetness if not for bitterness.I want someone that we can work hand in hand as couples, not someone who confides in her females friends more than in me,2 is company and 3 is a crowd. I seek a companion. I know he is out there somewhere...Maybe delayed, but never denied.A person with a mind and an attention to their health, Exotic and interesting, Cultured and traveled, A desire to both learn and understand the world in which we live, A balance between the rational and the zest to let loose and go dancing, Someone who is interested in constant self-improvement.A friend with a love of good food and good music.